Author: Dennise Kowalczyk

President’s Report | July 2024

I officially started my term as board president effective July 1 and I am excited to serve Bell Street Chapel in this role.  

Earlier in the month, I had the honor of joining Ray (our worship coordinator) and Joanne (our previous board president) in leading the … read more.

Board of Directors | FY 2024 / 2025

On June 16, 2024, the membership of Bell Street Chapel elected the following members to our Board of Directors:

Dennise M. Kowalczyk – President

Greg Greco – Treasurer

Ellen Kellner – Secretary

Ellen Smith – At Large

Bridget Eileen Madden – At Large

Stu Smith will once again serve as our … read more.

Rebirth by Ray Perreault

Ephesian philosopher Heraclietus said, “If one does not hope, one will not find the unhoped-for, since there is no trail leading to it and no path. “ In a philosophy class, my professor, Bob Castiglione, had a priest come by to talk about hope. In the … read more.