President’s Report | July 2024

I officially started my term as board president effective July 1 and I am excited to serve Bell Street Chapel in this role.  

Earlier in the month, I had the honor of joining Ray (our worship coordinator) and Joanne (our previous board president) in leading the welcome ceremony for one of our newest members to our community: Jen Graham!  After the service, we all convened in the Shell Room to enjoy refreshments and to celebrate Jen.

I’ll be working with staff, board, and community members on some special projects in the coming months. We have some big ideas to consider like repairing our beautiful Kimball organ and making improvements to Eddy Hall to increase use for special community events. 

Our final service before summer break will be July 28 and then we resume on September 8.  In the meantime, we have some fun activities being led by a couple of our community members: A visit to Tomaquag Museum on August 3 and our annual picnic at Ellen’s place on August 18.

I hope to see you there!