The Governing Board is elected by the Congregation at its annual meeting in June, and acts on behalf of the Society between Societal meetings. The Governing Board is responsible for ensuring that the work of the Society is focused on its mission, and developing policies and procedures that are consistent with our religious values and ensure efficient day-to-day operations.

The Board meets 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7 pm via Zoom.  If you have items for board consideration, please submit to by the first of the month and include a SUBJ LINE: Request for BOD.

Our bylaws can be accessed here.

Governing Board 2024 / 2025 (Effective July 1, 2024)

President:  Dennise M. Kowalczyk

Treasurer: Greg Greco

Secretary: Ellen Kellner

At large: Bridget Eileen Madden

At large: Ellen Smith

At Large: Open