Resolution in Support of Ceasefire and End to the War in Gaza

WHEREAS, Bell Street Chapel is a Unitarian Universalist Church based in Providence, RI,

WHEREAS, Bell Street Chapel adheres to Unitarian Universalist principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides, including: the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equity and compassion in human relations; and the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all, and

WHEREAS, Bell Street Chapel – with many other churches, temples and human rights groups – wholeheartedly condemns the horrific war crimes committed by Hamas against Israeli civilians and civilians from around the globe who were also subject to Hamas’ attacks, and

WHEREAS, Israel is imposing a complete siege on Gaza, which cuts off the supply of electricity, food, water, and fuel to innocent civilians, and which violates international law, and

WHEREAS, Israel’s policies in the Occupied Territories, including East Jerusalem, deny the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, and

WHEREAS, the United States government is enabling the Israeli government’s atrocities by sending billions of dollars to its military for weapons and a significant number of leaders in Washington, including our entire Rhode Island delegation, are not speaking against the Israeli government’s atrocities.

BE IT RESOLVED that Bell Street Chapel calls for: an immediate ceasefire by all; the release of all hostages; the international community, including leadership of the United States, to intervene immediately to protect the lives of civilians in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem; all parties to abide by the laws of war, including the Geneva Conventions and customary international law; our elected officials to leverage the considerable power of the US government to work toward an immediate and humane resolution to the crisis in Gaza, including total ceasefire and humanitarian aid access; and for continued witness against all forms of hate, especially anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, and for all to take action and side with love in this moment.

PASSED by unanimous vote at the Bell Street Chapel Semi-Annual Meeting, February 04, 2024.

201411 Thanksgiving Service