Marsh Cleanup

September 24, 2016 @ 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Providence River marsh
Meredyth Whitty
(401) 451-2322
The fall cleaning of the Providence River marsh long ago adopted by Bell Street Chapel is
scheduled Saturday, Sept. 24, from 8 a.m. to about 10 a.m. The marsh is located at the waterfront
end of Oxford Street, off Allens Avenue in Providence. (We meet directly at the site, not at Bell
Street.) We are usually joined by members of the public at our fall cleanup, because it is part of
the International Coastal Cleanup. (The ICC is officially Sept. 17, but ours will be a week later
because high tide will make our site inaccessible that morning. If you really love helping the
ocean, you can check and you can find a second cleanup to
participate in on the official day.)

This is a genuinely fun, quick way to help the earth, and newcomers to Bell Street are especially
welcome, since it’s an easy way to meet other Bell Streeters.

If you are interested in participating in this fun event to help our city and our environment, please
sign up by contacting Meredyth Whitty at or (401) 451-2322, or
see her at coffee hour. Please provide your phone number and email address. Light sprinkles
won’t stop us, but if steady rain is expected, your contact info will be needed the day before to
let you know the plan. No pets or small children please, due to the sketchy nature of the trash we
find there. (As always, there is a semi-fabulous prize for whoever finds the most sketchiness.)

Those interested often go to breakfast across Allens Avenue at the Seaplane Diner afterward.

Wear sturdy shoes, and work gloves if you have them, and bring your own cool beverage, please.
