Apple Pie Throw Down

November 13, 2016 all-day
Eddy Hall
$5.00 to be a Judge
Beth Grossi
To enter a pie: Please provide 2 individual – 8″ pies in a disposable aluminum pie plate.
– The first one will be for anonymous tasting and your second pie will be raffled off.
    The winner will be declared: Apple pie King or Queen!
If you would like to be a taster/judge the cost is $5.
As a judge your $5 buys you pie samples and 1 raffle ticket.
After you have sampled the candidates and made your choice for best Apple Pie you will then place your raffle ticket into the cup of your choice for the winning pie.  Bonus: Since you placed your raffle ticket into the for your choice to be the winning apple pie, your ticket also gives you an opportunity  to win that very Apple Pie in which you have chosen superior.
There will be pie plates available on Sunday, November 6th for bakers to use for their entries.
Any questions can be sent to Beth Grossi @
Please come and put your best pie forward and enjoy our common BSC community!